The TRANSOBA family, which entered the maritime business in 1994, has been operating in the maritime sector uninterruptedly until today. Aslan family has adopted the vision of being a pioneer in the fields of service and trade.

In line with its vision of being a pioneer, its customer-oriented Approaches have formed the basis of the trust established as a group for years, while performing its activities quickly and reliably.

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As one of the leading companies in the maritime sector, following the ever-changing and developing market; With a team trained in their field, we carry out technical and operational services as well as home-brokering of our 3 dry cargo ships.

Our group companies TRANSOBA DENİZCİLİK A.Ş. provide leasing, operation, technical, purchasing and personnel services for 3 dry cargo ships with tonnages ranging from 55,000 DWT to 58,000 DWT. carried out by.

We provide brokerage of our 3 dry cargo ships all over the world on a voyage basis and daily chartering within our own structure.

We Provide Services In The National And International Maritime Sector With Our Experience And Knowledge From The Past.

  • Strong and Experienced Team
  • International Solution Partner
  • Fast and Timely Result

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